Author: Story Teller

A sexy blonde female in a lacy flesh coloured body suit is on her knees with her back arched one hand plays with her hair the other rests behind her on her feet. Her face is partially out of shot only revealing her mouth. Her nipple is visible through the sheer fabric 1


Im away this week with my offspring and as it was planned a while ago she is not with me. its not a nice feeling and i miss her a lot. its not like...

we can see a mans legs in black trousers with his back to the camera a womens naked legs are wrapped around him lifted up. They are in a toilet and having sex 0

Stolen moments

Sunday was an interesting day. I had people visiting and ‘she’ was being flirtatious. As I cooked and the guests entertained themselves she came into the kitchen. “I’m horny baby” “You look hot, give...

Él – Día 1 0

Él – Día 1

Sentado en el muro que separa la arena del asfalto, últimamente acudía ahí a diario a observar el mar. Hoy, sin embargo, estaba algo distraído. Esa chica tumbada en la arena acaparaba su campo...

submissive with Collar 0

Ilse (Italian)

La vide seduta sulla poltrona del club a subito desiderò possederla. Era stupenda! Bionda, 40 anni ben portati, un bel fisico atletico e soprattutto due gambe mozzafiato inguainate da meravigliose calze di nylon nere....